
From Elderan
This is the approved revision of this page, as well as being the most recent.


There are currently 6 main talents and 2 minor talents which will help your character to get stronger. To train these talents you have to collect knowledge extract & mysterious scroll , which you can get from shiny monsters.

Using extracts & scrolls will cost you gold, increasing everytime you use them.


The first 75 levels you will get a talent point, from there you can upgrade your talents up to 100 using knowledge extract talent points. After that you will need to use Mastery points, which can be obtained using mysterious scrolls.

You can upgrade all your talents

Talent Description
One-Handed Each talent will raise your chance to double hit with one handed weapons.

After 125 points will also raise your chance to double hit with two handed weapons

Two-Handed Each talent will raise your critical damage with two handed weapons.

After 125 points will also raise your critical damage on one handed weapons

Bow Each talent will raise your chance to shoot another arrow.

After 125 points will also raise your chance to shoot another bolt

Crossbow Each talent will raise your critical damage with crossbows.

After 125 points will also raise your critical damage on bows

Magic Each talent will raise your critical damage/healing with runes and spells
Magic Staff Each talent will raise your chance to double hit with heavy fragments and magic critical damage

At 125 points will increase the area of heavy fragments

Magic Wand Each talent will raise your chance to double hit with fragments and magic critical damage

At 125 points will increase your magical barrier

Dodge Each talent will raise your chance to dodge any attack, nullifying the damage

Special Rewards

Visit the arena leader Kratos and ask him for a 'promotion' when you at least trained one of your talents to 30, 70 or 100 to advance in your rank and claim special rewards. Once you master all talents at level 100, a secret quest unlocks.

  • Rank Beginner (50): rune belt, holy ankh, 2 spirit shakes in a chest inside the Thais arena.
  • Rank Skilled (100): training weapon of your choice (non account bound from store)
  • Rank Master (125): master talent weapon (class 4)
Item Description
Ragnarok 51 attack, 16 defense onehand
Heartseeker 49 attack, 35 defense onehand
Trinity 50 attack, 25 defense onehand
Master axe 54 attack, 15 defense twohanded
Master sword 53 attack, 30 defense twohanded
Master hammer 54 attack, 22 defense twohanded
Shooting star +4 attack, 97% hit chance
Dream catcher +4 attack, 93% hit chance
Dream watcher +4 magic, 4% energy resistance
Mystic staff +4 atk, +4% damage, 4% energy resistance
Book of witchcraft 24 defense, 10% death resistance
Assassin boots 3 armor, 30 speed, 5% physical resistance

Maximizing all talents

Access to a unique quest line to obtain the Horned Helmet.

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