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en>Matthew Flow
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== Introduction ==
=== Introduction ===
* You can accept and deliver tasks in every town in the local Hunting Society by saying "hi task"
* You can accept and deliver tasks in every town in the local Hunting Society by saying "hi task"
* All Tasks are repeatable
* All tasks are repeatable (max 3 per day)
* The rewards are random (very-rare, rare, semi-rare, common)
* The rewards are random (very-rare, rare, semi-rare, common)
* You can rank up and gather reputation for different rewards and benefits
* You can rank up and gain reputation which will give you rewards over time (see table below)
* You can have up to 2 tasks running at the same time, 3 tasks if you purchase the '''Permanent task slot'''
* You can have up to 2 tasks running at the same time, 3 tasks if you purchase the '''permanent task slot'''
* Tasks can be accepted and delivered remote by purchasing the '''Dragon scroll'''
* Tasks can be accepted and delivered remote by purchasing the [[File:DragonScroll.png|frameless]] '''dragon scroll'''
* Points currently have no meaning
* Points currently have no purpose
* Several tasks (24) have arena bosses
* Fight bosses in the [[Bounty Arena|arena]]
<div style="text-align:center"></div>
=== Task table ===
{| class="wikitable"
!'''Edron (Lares)'''
!'''Venore (Sedna)'''
!'''Carlin (Diane)'''
!'''Thais (Arawn)'''
!'''AB'dendriel (Caine)'''
!'''Darashia (Neith)'''
!'''Ankrahmun (Pakhet)'''

=== '''Very Weak''' ===
==== Regular tasks ====
{| class="sortable fandom-table"
{| class="wikitable fandom-table"
!'''Task + (rep)'''
!'''Task reward'''
!'''Item reward'''
|Chicken (0)
|500 xp, 200 gold
|Feather amulet (+5 speed), 100 chicken eggs
| -
|[[File:FeatherAmulet.png|frameless]]Feather amulet
| -
|[[File:Egg.gif|frameless]]100 chicken eggs
|Red fox & desert fox (0)
| -
|[[File:FoxtailTrousers.png|frameless]] Foxtail trousers
|[[File:FurArmor.png|frameless]] Fur armor
|Deer (0)
|1250 xp, 400 gold
|Bow, filet
| -
| -
|Rabbit (0)
|600 xp, 300 gold
|Bunny doll, bunny ears (+5 speed), filet
|[[File:BunnyDoll.png|frameless]]Bunny doll
|[[File:BunnyEars.png|frameless]]Bunny ears
| -
|Rat & cave rat (0)
|225 xp, 300 gold
|Magic wand
| -
| -
| -
| [[File:MagicWand.png|frameless]]Magic wand
|Spider & poison spider (0)
|500 xp, 1000 gold
|100 magic fragments
| -
| -
| -
|[[File:IronShield.png|frameless]]Iron shield
|Snake (0)
|500 xp, 500 gold
|Iron shield
| -
| -
| -
|[[File:MagicFragment.png|frameless]]100 Magic fragments
|Bug (0)
|800 xp, 200 gold
|Golden cherry, 100 cherries
| -
| -
| -
|[[File:GoldenCherry.png|frameless]]Golden cherry
[[File:Cherry.gif|frameless]]100 cherries
|Goblin (0)
|350 xp, 300 gold
|Bow, 100 stones
| -
| -
|[[File:SmallStone.gif|frameless]]100 stones
|Troll (0)
|900 xp, 300 gold
|Orcish axe, battle hammer, spike sword
| -
| -
|[[File:OrcishAxe.gif|frameless]] Orcish axe
[[File:BattleHammer.gif|frameless]]Battle hammer
|[[File:SpikeSword (Old).gif|frameless]]Spike sword
|Wasp (0)
|1100 xp, 300 gold
|Intense healing rune
| -
| -
| -
|[[File:IntenseHealingRune.png|frameless]]Intense healing rune (x20)
|Scorpion (0)
|2000 xp, 2000 gold
|Intense healing rune
| -
| -
| -
|[[File:IntenseHealingRune.png|frameless]]Intense healing rune (x20)
|Lion (0)
| -
| -
|[[File:LionShield.png|frameless]]Lion shield
|Bear (1)
| -
| -
| -
| -
|[[File:BearHelmet.png|frameless]] Bear helmet
|Minotaur (1)*
| 500
| [[File:MinotaurAxe.png|frameless]]Minotaur axe
| -
| [[File:MinotaurLegs.png|frameless]]Minotaur legs
[[File:MinotaurArmor.png|frameless]]Minotaur armor
|[[File:MinotaurHelmet.png|frameless|33x33px]]Minotaur helmet
|Skeleton (0)
| -
|5000 xp
|2 scarab coins
| -
| -
| -
|[[File:SkullShield.png|frameless]]Skull shield
|Wolf (0)
|3150 xp
|Skull shield
| -
| -
| -
|Rotworm (0)
| -
|2650 xp, 2500 gold
|Lion shield, filet
| -
| [[File:KnightDagger.png|frameless]] Ordinary dagger
| -
|[[File:PlateArmor.gif|frameless]] Plate armor
|Larva (0)
| -
|5000 xp, 500 gold
|Spiky club, worm chopper, adventurer sword
| -
| -
| -
|2 [[File:ScarabCoin.gif|frameless]]
|Dwarf & dwarf soldiers (1)
| -
|2650 xp, 1500 gold
| -
| -
| -
|[[File:DwarvenAxe.gif|frameless]]Dwarven axe
|Amazon (0)
| -
|2650 xp
|Bear helmet
| -
| -
|[[File:KnightArmor.gif|frameless]] Knight armor
|[[File:PlateLegs.gif|frameless]] Plate legs
|Valkyrie (0)
| -
|4000 xp, 1000 gold
|Minotaur axe, minotaur legs, minotaur armor, minotaur helmet
| -
| -
| [[File:KnightLegs.gif|frameless]] Knight legs
|[[File:PlateArmor.gif|frameless]] Plate armor
|Orc (1)
| -
|6000 xp, 1000 gold
|Dwarven axe
| -
| Ornamented Bracers
|[[File:OrcishLegs.png|frameless]] Orcish legs
|[[File:OrcishArmor.png|frameless]] Orcish armor
|Tarantula (1)
| -
|4500 xp
|War hammer, golden nugget
| -
| -
|[[File:SpiderSlippers.png|frameless]] Spider slippers
[[File:KnightLegs.gif|frameless]] Knight legs
Time ring
|[[File:PlateArmor.gif|frameless]] Plate armor
|Outlaw (1)
| -
|3000 xp
|Knight armor, plate legs
| -
| -
|[[File:WarHammer.gif|frameless]]War hammer
|[[File:GoldNugget.png|frameless]]Gold nugget
|Elf & elf scout (0)
| 1.000
|4000 xp
|Orcish legs, orcish armor
| -
| [[File:ElvenLegs.png|frameless]] Elven legs
Ornamented bracers
|[[File:ElvishBow.png|frameless]]Elvish bow
|300 elven arrows
|2500 xp, 1200 gold
|Elven legs  (+10 speed), elvish bow, 300 elven arrows
|Turtle (1)
|1500 xp, 1000 gold
|Knight legs, plate armor
| -
|8000 xp
|Life amulet, skull shield, life ring
| [[File:TurtleBackpack.png|frameless]]Turtle backpack
| -
|[[File:TurtleBoots.png|frameless]]Turtle boots
[[File:Halberd.gif|frameless]] Halberd
|[[File:LifeRing.gif|frameless]]Life ring
|Ghoul (1)
| -
|6500 xp
|Turtle backpack, turtle boots, halberd, life ring
| -
|[[File:LifeAmulet.png|frameless]] Life amulet
|[[File:SkullShield.png|frameless]] Skull shield
=== '''Weak''' ===
|[[File:LifeRing.gif|frameless]]Life ring
{| class="sortable fandom-table"
!'''Task reward'''
!'''Item reward'''
|Mummy (1)
|10000 xp, 500 gold
|Life amulet, noble armor, ring of healing
| -
|[[File:LifeAmulet.png|frameless]] Life amulet
|[[File:KnightDagger.png|frameless]] Ordinary dagger
[[File:NobleArmor.gif|frameless]] Noble armor
|[[File:RingHealing.gif|frameless]]Ring of healing
|[[File:Sand scorpion.png|center|frameless]]
|Sand scorpion
|Sand scorpion (1)
| -
|10000 xp
|Nomad sword, spellbook of nature, daramanian waraxe, plate armor
| -
|[[File:NomadSword.png|frameless]]Nomad sword
|[[File:SpellbookNature.png|frameless]]Spellbook of nature
[[File:DaramianWaraxe.gif|frameless]]Daramanian waraxe
|[[File:PlateArmor.gif|frameless]] Plate armor
|Scarab (1)
| -
|10000 xp
|Scarab bow, 5 scarab coins
| -
| -
|[[File:ScarabBow.png|frameless]]Scarab bow
|5 [[File:ScarabCoin.gif|frameless]]
|Cyclops (1)
| -
|12500 xp, 500 gold
|Composite bow, giant shield, knight axe
|[[File:CompositeBow.png|frameless]] Composite bow
|[[File:GiantShield.png|frameless|33x33px]] Giant shield
| -
|[[File:KnightAxe.gif|frameless]] Knight axe
|Monk & dark monk (1)*
| -
|[[File:HolyAmulet.png|frameless]] Holy amulet
[[File:HolyRing.png|frameless]] Holy ring
| -
|[[File:CursedSpellbook.png|frameless]] Cursed spellbook
|[[File:RingHealing.gif|frameless]]Ring of healing
|Gargoyle (1)
| -
| -
| -
| -
|[[File:GargoyleHelmet.png|frameless]]Gargoyle helmet
|Hunter (1)
| -
| -
|[[File:HunterVest.png|frameless]]Hunter's vest (+1 distance)
| -
|[[File:RangerLegs.png|frameless]]Ranger legs
|Centaur (1)
| -
|20000 xp
|Hunter's vest, ranger legs
|[[File:CompositeBow.png|frameless]] Composite bow
|[[File:CentaurQuiver.png|frameless]] Centaur quiver
[[File:KnightDagger.png|frameless]] Ordinary dagger
|[[File:CentaurAxe.png|alt=Centaur Axe|frameless]]Centaur Axe
|[[File:HunterShield.png|frameless]] Hunter Shield
|Stone golem
|Stone golem (1)
| -
|20000 xp
|Rock boots (100%)
| -
| -
| -
|[[File:RockBoots.png|frameless]] Rock boots
|Ghost (1)
| -
|21500 xp
|Ghost rope (100%)
| -
| -
| -
|[[File:GhostRope.png|frameless]]Ghost rope
|Witch (1)
| -
|15000 xp
|Gargoyle helmet (100%) (10% poison res)
| -
| [[File:WitchBoots.png|frameless]] Witch boots
[[File:WitchHat.png|frameless]] Witch hat
| [[File:CursedSpellbook.png|frameless]] Cursed spellbook
|Carlin sword
|Dwarf geomancer (1)
| -
|10000 xp
|Composite bow, centaur quiver, centaur axe, hunter shield
| -
| -
| -
|[[File:DwarvenLegs.png|frameless]] Dwarven legs
|Crypt shambler
|Crypt shambler (1)
| -
|15000 xp
|Royal sword, guardian shield
| [[File:KnightDagger.png|frameless]] Knight dagger
| [[File:RoyalSword.png|frameless]] Royal sword
| -
|[[File:GuardianShield.gif|frameless]] Guardian shield
|[[File:Demon Skeleton.png|center|frameless]]
|Demon skeleton
|Strong orc (1)
| -
|12000 xp, 1000 gold
|Skull armor, fire club, skull shield
|[[File:AmazonBp.png|frameless]] Amazon backpack
| -
|[[File:OrcishLegs.png|frameless]] Orcish legs
|[[File:OrcishArmor.png|frameless]] Orcish armor
|Strong elf
|Fire elemental (1)
|8000 xp, 2000 gold
|Elven robe (+1 magic), elven legs (+10 speed), elvish bow
|[[File:Fire Elemental (Old).png|center|frameless]]
|Fire elemental
| 10.000
|25000 xp, 20000 gold
|Flaming bow, fire club, fire axe, fire sword
| [[File:FlamingBow.png|frameless]] Flaming Bow
| -
| [[File:FireAxe.png|frameless]]  Fire axe
[[File:FireClub.png|frameless]] Fire club
|[[File:FireSword.gif|frameless]]Fire sword
|Demon skeleton (1)
| -
|14000 xp
|Vampire ring, vampire shield, ice herb
| -
|[[File:SkullArmor.png|frameless]] Skull armor
|[[File:FireClub.png|frameless]] Fire club
|[[File:SkullShield.png|frameless]]Skull shield
|Strong dwarf
|Strong minotaur (0)*
| -
|6000 xp
|Dwarven armor, universal tool, 5 small diamonds
| -
|[[File:MinotaurAxe.png|frameless]] Minotaur Axe
|[[File:MinotaurArmor.png|frameless]] Minotaur Armor
[[File:MinotaurLegs.png|frameless]] Minotaur Legs
|[[File:MinotaurHelmet.png|frameless|33x33px]]  Minotaur Helmet
|Strong minotaur
|Elf arcanist (1)*
| -
|4000 xp
|Minotaur axe, minotaur legs, minotaur armor, minotaur helmet
|[[File:ElvenRobe.png|frameless]] Elven robe
| -
|[[File:ElvenLegs.png|frameless]] Elven legs
|[[File:ElvishBow.png|frameless]] Elvish bow
|Dwarf guards (1)
| -
|[[File:DwarvenArmor.png|frameless]] Dwarven armor
| [[File:UniversalTool.png|frameless]] Universal tool
| -
|[[File:SmallDiamond.gif|frameless]]5 small diamonds
|Strong orc
|Vampire (1)
| -
|5000 xp
|Amazon backpack (+1 distance), orcish legs, orcish armor
|[[File:VampireRing.png|frameless]] Vampire ring
|[[File:VampireShield.gif|frameless]] Vampire shield
| [[File:IceHerb.png|frameless]] Ice herb
|[[File:IceHalberd.png|frameless]]Ice halberd
|Assassin (1)
| -
| -
| -
|[[File:AssassinDagger.png|frameless]]Assassin dagger
|25 assassin stars
|Fire devil
|Fire devil (2)
| -
|40000 xp
|Firewalker boots (100%)
| -
| -
| -
=== '''Medium''' ===
|[[File:FirewalkerBoots.png|frameless]]Firewalker boots
{| class="sortable fandom-table"
!'''Task reward'''
!'''Item reward'''
|Green djinn & efreet (1)
| -
|20000 xp
|Lunar staff, boots of haste, staff of darkness, rune belt, skull staff
|[[File:DjinnRobe.png|frameless]] Djinn robe
| -
| -
|[[File:SpringHerb.png|frameless]] Ice herb
|Blue djinn
|Blue djinn & marid (1)
| -
|10000 xp, 5000 gold
|Djinn robe, ice herb
|[[File:DjinnRobe.png|frameless]] Djinn robe
| -
| -
|Green djinn
|[[File:IceHerb.png|frameless]] Ice herb
|10000 xp, 5000 gold
|Djinn robe, spring herb
|Bonebeast (2)
| -
|55000 xp
|Skull armor (100%)
|[[File:SkullArmor.png|frameless]] Skull armor
| -
| -
| -
|Necromancer (1)*
| -
|30000 xp
|Heavy Magic Missile scroll, lunar staff, boots of haste, staff of darkness, rune belt, skull staff
|[[File:DemonicBooks.png|frameless]] Demonic book
|[[File:LunarStaff.png|frameless]]Lunar staff
[[File:BootsOfHaste.png|frameless]] Boots of haste
|[[File:StaffDarkness.png|frameless]]Staff of darkness
[[File:RuneBelt.png|frameless]] Rune belt
|[[File:SkullStaff.gif|frameless]] Skull staff
|Priestess (1)
| -
| -
|[[File:LunarStaff.png|frameless]]Lunar staff
[[File:BootsOfHaste.png|frameless]] Boots of haste
|[[File:StaffDarkness.png|frameless]]Staff of darkness
[[File:RuneBelt.png|frameless]] Rune belt
|[[File:SkullStaff.gif|frameless]] Skull staff
|Ogre (2)
| -
|[[File:DragonEyePendant.png|frameless]] Dragon eye pendant
[[File:HeavyMace.png|frameless]] Heavy mace
|[[File:DemonboneAmuletWa.png|frameless]] Demonbone amulet
[[File:SkullLegs.png|frameless]]Skull legs
|[[File:OgreClub.png|frameless]]Ogre club
|[[File:WarriorHelmet.gif|frameless]] Warrior Helmet
|[[File:Blood crawler.png|center|frameless]]
|Blood crawler
|Blood crawler (1)
| -
|25000 xp
|Centipede armor, nomad lance, centipede boots, nomad robe
| -
|[[File:CentipedeArmor.png|frameless]]Centipede armor
[[File:NomadLance.png|frameless]] Nomad Lance
|[[File:CentipedeBoots.png|frameless]]centipede boots
|[[File:NomadRobe.png|frameless]] Nomad Robe
|Dragon (1)*
| -
|50000 xp
|Draconian helmet, draconian blade, the Dragonkiller, dragon shield
|[[File:DraconianHelmet.png|frameless]]Draconian helmet
| -
|[[File:DraconianBlade.png|frameless]]Draconian blade
[[File:Dragonkiller.png|frameless]] The Dragonkiller
|[[File:DragonShield.gif|frameless]] Dragon Shield
|Desert Marauders (2)
| -
|Oriental quiver
|Mystic book
Magic boots
|Scarab bow
|Beholder (2)
| -
|30000 xp
|Beholder amulet (100%)
| -
| -
| -
|[[File:BeholderAmulet.png|frameless]] Beholder amulet
|Orc warlord
|Orc warlord (2)
| -
|100000 xp
|Amazon helmet, amazon armor, amazon shield, noble quiver, bear helmet
|[[File:AmazonHelmet.gif|frameless]]Amazon helmet
[[File:AmazonArmor.gif|frameless]]Amazon armor
[[File:AmazonShield.gif|frameless]]Amazon shield
| -
|[[File:NobleQuiver.png|frameless]] Noble quiver
|[[File:BearHelmet.png|frameless]] Bear helmet
|[[File:Shadow panther.png|center|frameless]]
|Shadow panther
|Shadow panther (1)
| -
|12000 xp
|Panther backpack (+1 magic), shadow cape, shadow walkers, blue robe, stealth ring
|[[File:PantherBackpack.png|frameless]] Panther backpack
|[[File:ShadowCapes.png|frameless]]Shadow Cape
[[File:ShadowWalkers.png|frameless]]Shadow Walkers
|[[File:BlueRobe.png|frameless]]Blue Robe
|[[File:StealthRingWa.gif|frameless]]Stealth ring
|Hero (2)*
| -
|70000 xp
|Heroic sword, heroic hammer, heroic axe
| [[File:HolyAnkh.png|frameless]] Holy ankh
[[File:CrownBoots.png|frameless]]Crown boots
| [[File:PaladinCrossbow.png|frameless]] Paladin crossbow
|[[File:BlueLegs.png|frameless]] Blue legs
|[[File:FireSword.gif|frameless]]Fire sword
|Giant spider
|Giant spider (1)*
| -
|30000 xp
|Spidersilk legs (+10 speed, 6& poison res), spidersilk armor (+10 speed, 8% poison res), knight armor
|[[File:SpidersilkLegs.png|frameless]]Spidersilk Legs
|[[File:SpidersilkArmor.png|frameless]]Spidersilk Armor
| [[File:KnightDagger.png|frameless]] Knight dagger
|[[File:KnightArmor.gif|frameless]]  Knight Armor
|Harpy (1)
| -
|50000 xp
|Valkyrie helmet, valkyrie armor, valkyrie legs, ravenwing, staff of darkness
|[[File:ValkyrieHelmet.png|frameless]]Valkyrie Helmet
|[[File:ValkyrieLegs.png|frameless]] Valkyrie Legs
[[File:Ravenwing.png|frameless]] Ravenwing
|[[File:ValkyrieArmor.png|frameless]] Valkyrie Armor
|[[File:StaffDarkness.png|frameless]] Staff of Darkness
|Dark cultist & priestess (1)
| -
|[[File:RobeOfDespair.png|frameless]]  Robe of despair
[[File:DemonicBooks.png|frameless]] Demonic book
| -
| -
|[[File:CursedSpellbook.png|frameless]] Cursed spellbook
|[[File:Black knight.png|center|frameless]]
|Black knight
|Morgrim Orcs (2)
| -
|30000 xp
|Black knight legs (+1 melee, +1 distance), darkest heart, boots of haste, dragon lance, warrior helmet
|Armored bracers
|Frozen book
| -
|Skull armor
|Ettin (2)
| -
|75000 xp
|Demon bone, giant sword, giant shield
|[[File:DemonboneEttin.png|frameless]]Demon bone
| -
|[[File:GiantSword.gif|frameless]] Giant Sword
|[[File:GiantShield.png|frameless|33x33px]] Giant shield
|Ancient scarab
|Ancient scarab (1)
| -
|50000 xp, 9000 gold
|Winged boots (+60 speed), scarab bow, 10 ancient scarab coins
|[[File:WingedBoots.png|frameless]] Winged boots
| -
|[[File:ScarabBow.png|frameless]] Scarab Bow
|10 [[File:AncientScarabCoin.png|frameless]]
|Black knight (1)
| -
|[[File:BlackKnightLegs.png|frameless]] Black knight legs

=== '''Strong''' ===
[[File:DarkestHeart.png|frameless]] Darkest heart
{| class="sortable fandom-table"
|[[File:BootsOfHaste.png|frameless]] Boots of haste
|[[File:DragonLance.gif|frameless]] Dragon Lance
|[[File:WarriorHelmet.gif|frameless]] Warrior Helmet
!'''Task reward'''
|Banshee (3)
!'''Item reward'''
| -
|[[File:BansheeRing.png|frameless]] Banshee ring
| -
| -
| -
|Misery (1)
| -
|90000 xp
|Nightmare book. boots of haste, war axe, knight legs
|[[File:NightmareBook.png|frameless]] Nightmare book
| -
|[[File:BootsOfHaste.png|frameless]] Boots of haste
[[File:KnightDagger.png|frameless]] Knight dagger
|[[File:KnightLegs.gif|frameless]] Knight Legs
|Dragon lord (1)*
| -
|[[File:DragonscaleBoots.png|frameless]] Dragon scale boots
Dragon scale bracers
|[[File:FlamingBow.png|frameless]] Flaming Bow
|[[File:DraconianBlade.png|frameless]]Draconian blade
|[[File:TowerShield.gif|frameless]] Tower Shield
|Watcher (2)
| -
|[[File:CrownSwordWa.png|frameless]]Crown Sword
|[[File:PaladinArmor.png|frameless]] Paladin Armor
|[[File:WatcherLantern.png|frameless]] Watcher Lanter
|[[File:CrownLegs.gif|frameless]] Crown Legs
|Corrupted plague (1)
| -
|800000 xp
|Banshee ring (100%) (+10% health)
|[[File:PlaguebringerMask.png|frameless]] Plaguebringer mask
|[[File:SlimeArmor.png|frameless]] Sime armor
|[[File:InfestedCrossbow.png|frameless]] Infested crossbow
|[[File:ScarabBow.png|frameless]] Scarab Bow
|Dragon lord
|Hydra (2)*
| -
|60000 xp
|Great fireball scroll, dragon scale boots, flaming bow, draconian helmet, draconian blade, tower shield
|[[File:CloverleafShield.png|frameless]] Cloverleaf shield
|[[File:HydraSlayer.png|frameless]]Hydra slayer
[[File:BootsOfHaste.png|frameless]] Boots of haste
[[File:RoyalHelmet.gif|frameless]] Royal helmet
|[[File:MedusaShield.gif|frameless]] Medusa shield
|[[File:KnightArmor.gif|frameless]] Knight Armor
|Behemoth (2)*
| -
|[[File:BehemothHelmet.png|frameless]] Behemoth helmet
|[[File:SteelBoots.gif|frameless]] Steel Boots
| -
|[[File:GiantSword.gif|frameless]] Giant Sword
|Black widow (3)
| -
|[[File:MagicCircletWa.png|frameless]]Magic circlet
|[[File:ArcanaStaff.png|frameless]]Arcana staff
[[File:BootsOfHaste.png|frameless]] Boots of haste
| -
|[[File:KnightArmor.gif|frameless]] Knight Armor
|Ice dragon (2)*
| -
|[[File:FrozenGreaves.png|frameless]]Frozen greaves
[[File:FrozenBoots.png|frameless]] Frozen dragon scale boots
|[[File:FrozenPlate.png|frameless]]Frozen plate
[[File:FrozenBow.png|frameless]] Frozen bow
|[[File:Frozendsm.png|frameless]] Frozen dragon scale mail
[[File:FrozenBlade.png|frameless]]  Frozen blade
|Draconian sword
|Warlock (2)*
| -
|[[File:WandOfMight.png|frameless]]Wand of Might
[[File:GoldDagger.png|frameless]] Gold dagger
|[[File:SpellbookMysteries.png|frameless]]Spellbook of Mysteries
|[[File:RingSky.gif|frameless]] Ring of the Sky
[[File:GoldenArmorWa.png|frameless]] Golden Armor
[[File:BlueRobe.png|frameless]]Blue Robe
|[[File:SkullStaff.gif|frameless]] Skull Staff
|Elder Tree (2)
| -
|[[File:EverlastingHelmet.png|frameless]]Everlasting helmet  
[[File:EverlastingArmor.png|frameless]]Everlasting armor
[[File:EverlastingLegs.png|frameless]]Everlasting legs
|[[File:LeafCrossbow.png|frameless]] Leaf crossbow
|[[File:LifeAmulet.png|frameless]]Life amulet
[[File:SpringBlade.png|frameless]] Spring blade
|[[File:GreenGem.png|frameless]]Green gem
|Elder Beholder (2)*
| -
|[[File:BeholderBoots.png|frameless]] Beholder Boots
| -
|[[File:BeholderAmulet.png|frameless]] Beholder Amulet
[[File:BeholderHelmet.png|frameless]] Beholder Helmet
|[[File:BeholderShieldWa.png|frameless]]Beholder Shield
|Grim reaper (2)
| -
|[[File:SkullBp.png|frameless]]Skull backpack
| -
|[[File:ReaperAxe.png|frameless]] Reaper Axe
[[File:SkullArmor.png|frameless]] Skull Armor
|[[File:StaffDarkness.png|frameless]]Staff of Darkness
|Treasure Guardian (2)
| -
|120000 xp
|Crown sword, palladin armor, watcher lantern, crown legs
|Pharaoh Sword
| -
| -
|5 golden chain
|Dwarf Kings Guard (2)
| -
|85000 xp
|Ultimate healing scroll, cloverleaf shield, hydra slayer, boots of haste, royal helmet, medusa shield, knight armor
|Durin's crown
| -
| -
|5 sapphire
|Medusa (2)
| -
|125000 xp
|Behemoth helmet, steel boots, giant sword
|[[File:RingOfVitality.png|frameless]]Ring of vitality
[[File:EverlastingLegs.png|frameless]]Everlasting legs
|[[File:CursedBowWa.png|frameless]]Cursed bow
[[File:SpringBlade.png|frameless]] Spring blade
|[[File:RockBoots.png|frameless]] Rock boots
|[[File:MedusaShield.gif|frameless]] Medusa shield
|[[File:Black widow.png|center|frameless]]
|Black widow
|Sharir (2)
| -
|130000 xp
|Magic circlet, arcane staff, boots of haste, knight armor
|[[File:AmuletSky.png|frameless]]Amulet of the sky
[[File:CobraStaff.png|frameless]] Cobra staff
[[File:GoldDagger.png|frameless]] Gold dagger
|[[File:SpellbookMysteries.png|frameless]]Spellbook of mysteries
[[File:DjinnRobe.png|frameless]]Djinn robe
|[[File:GoldenArmorWa.png|frameless]]Golden Armor
[[File:GreenRobe.png|frameless]]Green robe
|[[File:SkullStaff.gif|frameless]] Skull Staff
|Wicked blacksmith (2)*
| -
|[[File:QuiverOfDarkness.png|frameless]] Quiver of darkness
| [[File:NightfallBackpack.png|frameless]] Nightfall backpack
[[File:BurningArbalaste.png|frameless]]Burning arbalaste
[[File:DemonicAxe.png|frameless]] Demonic axe
|[[File:PaladinArmor.png|frameless]] Paladin Armor
[[File:HammerOfWrath.png|frameless]] Hammer of wrath
|[[File:PrimitivClub.png|frameless]]Primitiv club
|Blazing skull (2)
| -
|[[File:InfernoBackpackWa.png|frameless]] Backpack of inferno
|[[File:InfernoSpellbook.png|frameless]] Spellbook of inferno
[[File:InfernalHelmet.png|frameless]]  Infernal helmet
[[File:FlamingBow.png|frameless]] Flaming Bow
| -
|[[File:BurningGiantSword.png|frameless]]Burning giant sword
|[[File:Elder tree.png|center|frameless]]
|Elder Tree
|Furious mistress (2)
| -
|70000 xp
|Everlasting helmet, everlasting armor, everlasting legs, leaf crossbow, life amulet, spring blade, green gem
|[[File:RingOfVitality.png|frameless]]Ring of vitality
|[[File:BurningShield.png|frameless]] Burning shield
[[File:NightmareStaff.png|frameless]] Nightmare staff
[[File:BurningArbalaste.png|frameless]]Burning arbalaste
|[[File:NightmareWhip.png|frameless]]Nightmare whip
|[[File:DemonboneAmuletWa.png|frameless]] Demonbone amulet
[[File:RoyalSword.png|frameless]] Royal sword
|Demon (3)*
| -
|100000 xp
|Beholder boots, beholder amulet, beholder helmet, beholder
|[[File:ThunderHammer.png|frameless]] Thunder hammer
[[File:DemonLegs.png|frameless]]Demon legs
|[[File:MagicPlateArmor.png|frameless]]Magic Plate Armor
|[[File:MastermindShield.png|frameless]]Mastermind Shield
[[File:GoldenLegs.png|frameless]]Golden Legs
|[[File:DemonShield.gif|frameless]] Demon Shield
|Possessed book (2)
| -
|[[File:AmuletSky.png|frameless]]Amulet of the sky
[[File:LibrarianSpellbook.png|frameless]] Spellbook of the librarian
|[[File:DemonicStaffWa.png|frameless]]Demonic staff
[[File:LibrarianBackpack.png|frameless]]Librarian backpack
[[File:NightmareBook.png|frameless]] Nightmare book
|[[File:SpellbookMysteries.png|frameless]]Spellbook of Mysteries
|[[File:DemonShield.gif|frameless]] Demon Shield
|Phoenix priest (3)
| -
|[[File:ShadowHelmet.png|frameless]] Shadow helmet
[[File:HolyAmulet.png|frameless]] Holy amulet
|[[File:HolyAnkh.png|frameless]] Holy ankh
[[File:EnergeticRobe.png|frameless]] Energy robe
| -
|[[File:DemonboneAmuletWa.png|frameless]] Demonbone amulet
|Dark rider (2)*
| -
|[[File:BlackKnightLegs.png|frameless]] Black knight legs
[[File:DarkestHeart.png|frameless]]  Darkest heart
[[File:RobeOfDespair.png|frameless]] Robe of despair
|[[File:AncientBackpack.png|frameless]] Ancient backpack
|[[File:SkullBlade.png|frameless]]Skull blade
[[File:SkullLegs.png|frameless]]Skull legs
|[[File:SkullArmor.png|frameless]] Skull armor
|Blood bat (2)
| -
|[[File:QuiverOfDarkness.png|frameless]] Quiver of darkness
[[File:RobeOfDespair.png|frameless]]  Robe of despair
|[[File:NightmareStaff.png|frameless]] Nightmare staff
[[File:NightmareWhip.png|frameless]]Nightmare whip
|[[File:SkullBlade.png|frameless]]Skull blade
|[[File:VampireShield.gif|frameless]] Vampire shield
|Hellfire demon (2)
| -
|[[File:DemonBoots.png|frameless]] Demon boots
|[[File:BurningShield.png|frameless]] Burning shield
[[File:BurningArbalaste.png|frameless]]Burning arbalaste

=== '''Very strong''' ===
[[File:DemonicAxe.png|frameless]] Demonic axe
{| class="sortable fandom-table"
|[[File:FlamingBow.png|frameless]] Flaming Bow
|[[File:BurningGiantSword.png|frameless]]Burning giant sword
|Executioner (2)*
!'''Task reward'''
!'''Item reward'''
| -
|[[File:NightfallBackpack.png|frameless]] Nightfall backpack
[[File:GoldDagger.png|frameless]] Gold dagger
|[[File:InfernalAxe.png|frameless]] Infernal axe
|[[File:SkullBlade.png|frameless]]Skull blade
[[File:SteelBoots.gif|frameless]] Steel Boots
|[[File:SkullLegs.png|frameless]]Skull legs
|Phoenix paladin (3)
| -
|[[File:ShadowGreaves.png|frameless]] Shadow greaves
[[File:HolyBow.png|frameless]] Holy Bow
|[[File:HolyAnkh.png|frameless]] Holy ankh
[[File:PaladinArmor.png|frameless]] Paladin armor
| -
|[[File:PaladinCrossbow.png|frameless]] Paladin crossbow
|[[File:Ice dragon.png|center|frameless]]
|Ice dragon
|Phoenix knight (3)
| -
|80000 xp
|Frozen greaves, frozen dragon scale boots, frozen plate, frozen bow, frozen dragon scale mail, frozen blade, 100 frozen stars
|[[File:ShadowPlate.png|frameless]] Shadow plate
[[File:CrownSwordWa.png|frameless]]Crown sword
|[[File:HolyAnkh.png|frameless]] Holy ankh
[[File:CrownBoots.png|frameless]] Crown boots
| -
|[[File:SkullBlade.png|frameless]]Skull blade
|Soul worm (3)
| -
|[[File:AncientSword.png|frameless]] Ancient sword
|[[File:MagicBow.png|frameless]] Magic bow
| -
|[[File:InfestedCrossbow.png|frameless]] Infested crossbow
|Arachna (3)
| -
|[[File:NatureMask.png|frameless]]Mask of nature
|[[File:MagicCrossbow.png|frameless]] Magic crossbow
| -
|[[File:InfestedCrossbow.png|frameless]] Infested crossbow
|Phoenix (3)
| -
|[[File:HolyBow.png|frameless]] Holy Bow
[[File:Medaillon.png|frameless]] Medaillon of the paladin order
|[[File:FlamingBow.png|frameless]] Flaming Bow
[[File:FirewalkerBoots.png|frameless]] Firewalker Boots
[[File:PhoenixShield.png|frameless]] Phoenix shield
|[[File:RoyalHelmet.gif|frameless]]Royal Helmet
|[[File:PhoenixEgg.png|frameless]]Phoenix Egg
|Demonic beholder (3)
| -
|200000 xp
|Cobra staff, spellbook of mysteries, djinn robe, golden armor, green robe, skull staff
|[[File:GazerAxe.png|frameless]] Axe of the gazer
[[File:MagicPlateLegs.png|frameless]]Magic plate legs
|[[File:MagicBow.png|frameless]] Magic bow
| -
|[[File:NightmareWhip.png|frameless]]Nightmare whip
|Ancient dragon (4)
| -
|[[File:GreatShield.png|frameless]]Great shield
[[File:DragonEyePendant.png|frameless]] Dragon eye pendant
[[File:AncientRoyalArmor.png|frameless]] Ancient armor  
|[[File:DragonscaleBoots.png|frameless]] Dragon scale boots
[[File:AncientLegs.png|frameless]] Ancient legs
|[[File:DraconianHelmet.png|frameless]] Draconian helmet
[[File:DragonScaleMail.png|frameless]]  Dragon Scale Mail
|[[File:DraconianBlade.png|frameless]] Draconian blade
|[[File:Grim reaper.png|center|frameless]]
|Grim reaper
|Hellhound (4)*
| -
|[[File:InfernalLegs.png|frameless]] Infernal greaves
[[File:InfernalChest.png|frameless]] Infernal chestplate
|[[File:BurningShield.png|frameless]] Burning shield
[[File:BurningArbalaste.png|frameless]]Burning arbalaste
|[[File:InfernoSpellbook.png|frameless]] Spellbook of inferno
[[File:InfernalHelmet.png|frameless]]  Infernal helmet
[[File:FearBringer.png|frameless]] Fearbringer
|[[File:SkullArmor.png|frameless]] Skull armor
|Temple Guardian
| -
|200000 xp
|Skull backpack (+1 melee), reaper axe, skull armor (+1 melee, 8% death res), staff of darkness
|Serpent boots
| -
| -
|5 snake god idol
|Giant eagle (4)
| -
|225000 xp
|Thunder hammer, demon legs (+12% fire res), Magic plate armor (+3% all elements), mastermind shield (+1% all elements), golden legs (+5% holy res), demon shield
|[[File:EagleChestplate.png|frameless]] Eagle chestplate
[[File:EagleHelmet.png|frameless]] Eagle helmet
[[File:EagleLegs.png|frameless]] Eagle legs
[[File:EagleBoots.png|frameless]] Eagle boots
|[[File:EagleShield.png|frameless]] Eagle shield
|[[File:AmuletSky.png|frameless]]Amulet of the sky
[[File:WingedBoots.png|frameless]] Winged boots
|[[File:RingSky.gif|frameless]] Ring of the Sky
|Undead dragon (4)*
| -
|[[File:DivineLegs.png|frameless]]  Divine greaves
[[File:DragonEyePendant.png|frameless]] Dragon eye pendant
|[[File:DivineBoots.png|frameless]]  Divine boots
[[File:DivinePlate.png|frameless]] Divine chestplate
[[File:DivineHood.png|frameless]]  Divine hood
[[File:DragonboneStaff.png|frameless]]  Dragonbone staff
| -
|[[File:GoldenArmorWa.png|frameless]] Golden Armor
|Basilisk (5)
| -
|270000 xp
|Holy bow, flaming bow, firewalker boots (99% fire field res), phoenix shield (10% fire res), royal helmet, phoenix egg
|[[File:SerpentineChestplate.png|frameless]] Serpentine cloak
[[File:SerpentineCloak.png|frameless]] Serpentine chestplate
|[[File:SerpentineDagger.png|frameless]]Serpentine dagger
|[[File:DwarvenArmor.png|frameless]] Dwarven armor
[[File:MagicTrainingWand.png|frameless]] Magic training wand
|[[File:RoyalHelmet.gif|frameless]]Royal Helmet
|Colossus (4)*
| -
|[[File:GreatAxe.gif|frameless]]Great axe
[[File:PlatinGreaves.png|frameless]]Platin greaves
|[[File:Medaillon.png|frameless]] Medaillon of the paladin order
[[File:DemonboneEttin.png|frameless]]Demon bone
[[File:InfernalAxe.png|frameless]] Infernal axe
[[File:MagicPlateArmor.png|frameless]]Magic Plate Armor
| -
|[[File:HeavyMace.png|frameless]] Heavy mace
|[[File:Ancient dragon1.png|center|frameless]]
|Ancient dragon
|Observer (4)
| -
|450000 xp
|Great shield (10% fire res), ancient armor (+1 melee & 5% fire res & 5% phys res), dragon scale boots (3% phys res & 5% fire res), ancient legs (+1 mlvl & 8% fire res), draconian helmet (5% fire res & 3% phys res), dragon scale mail (3% fire res), draconian blade
|[[File:HammerOfJudgement.png|frameless]]Hammer of judgement
|[[File:MagicPlateLegs.png|frameless]]Magic plate legs
[[File:MagicBow.png|frameless]]Magic bow
| -
|[[File:BeholderHelmet.png|frameless]] Beholder Helmet

== Bosses ==
==== Boss tasks ====
{| class="fandom-table"
{| class="wikitable fandom-table"
!'''Task reward'''
!'''Item reward'''
|120000 xp, 35000 gold
|Soul stone
| -
|500000 xp, 100000 gold
|[[File:Giant Spider.png|center|frameless]]
|Old Widow
|Old Widow
|300000 xp, 100000 gold
| -
|[[File:Stone Golem.png|center|frameless]]
|100000 xp, 30000 gold
|Grorlam's heart
| -
|[[File:Dragon Lord.png|center|frameless]]
|300000 xp, 200000 gold
|Demodras claw
| -
|350000 xp, 250000 gold
| -

== Reputation rewards ==
=== Reputation rewards ===
{| class="sortable fandom-table"
{| class="wikitable fandom-table"
|Hunting Knife (can be purchased again for 20k)
|Hunting Knife (can be purchased again for 20k)
Line 651: Line 1,356:
|Expedition access
|Expedition access and 30k (see quests)
|Mythril knife (obtained through Nightfall questline)

Latest revision as of 01:29, 1 February 2025


  • You can accept and deliver tasks in every town in the local Hunting Society by saying "hi task"
  • All tasks are repeatable (max 3 per day)
  • The rewards are random (very-rare, rare, semi-rare, common)
  • You can rank up and gain reputation which will give you rewards over time (see table below)
  • You can have up to 2 tasks running at the same time, 3 tasks if you purchase the permanent task slot
  • Tasks can be accepted and delivered remote by purchasing the dragon scroll
  • Points currently have no purpose
  • Several tasks (24) have arena bosses
  • Fight bosses in the arena

Task table

Edron (Lares) Venore (Sedna) Carlin (Diane) Thais (Arawn) AB'dendriel (Caine) Darashia (Neith) Ankrahmun (Pakhet)

Regular tasks

Creature Task + (rep) Kills Gold Exp Legendary Purple Blue Common
Chicken (0) 50 250 250 - Feather amulet - 100 chicken eggs
Red fox & desert fox (0) 100 300 160 - Foxtail trousers Fur armor Filet
Deer (0) 50 250 250 - - Bow Filet
Rabbit (0) 50 250 250 Bunny doll Bunny ears - Filet
Rat & cave rat (0) 50 250 25 - - - Magic wand
Spider & poison spider (0) 75 250 90 - - - Iron shield
Snake (0) 75 500 75 - - - 100 Magic fragments
Bug (0) 75 250 135 - - - Golden cherry

100 cherries

Goblin (0) 100 250 250 - - Bow 100 stones
Troll (0) 100 250 200 - - Orcish axe

Battle hammer

Spike sword
Wasp (0) 100 500 240 - - - Intense healing rune (x20)
Scorpion (0) 250 1.500 500 - - - Intense healing rune (x20)
Lion (0) 125 1.250 375 - - Lion shield Filet
Bear (1) 100 - 230 - - - Bear helmet
Minotaur (1)* 300 500 1.500 Minotaur axe - Minotaur legs

Minotaur armor

Minotaur helmet
Skeleton (0) 250 - 875 - - - Skull shield
Wolf (0) 125 500 225 - - - Filet
Rotworm (0) 250 - 1.000 - Ordinary dagger - Plate armor
Larva (0) 250 - 1.100 - - - 2
Dwarf & dwarf soldiers (1) 250 - 1.425 - - - Dwarven axe
Amazon (0) 250 - 1.500 - - Knight armor Plate legs
Valkyrie (0) 125 - 1.050 - - Knight legs Plate armor
Orc (1) 250 - 1.000 - Ornamented Bracers Orcish legs Orcish armor
Tarantula (1) 250 - 1.800 - - Spider slippers

Knight legs

Time ring

Plate armor
Outlaw (1) 250 - 1.500 - - War hammer Gold nugget
Elf & elf scout (0) 250 1.000 1.250 - Elven legs

Ornamented bracers

Elvish bow 300 elven arrows
Turtle (1) 300 - 3.600 Turtle backpack - Turtle boots


Life ring
Ghoul (1) 300 - 2.550 - Life amulet Skull shield Life ring
Mummy (1) 200 500 3.000 - Life amulet Ordinary dagger

Noble armor

Ring of healing
Sand scorpion (1) 250 - 5.000 - Nomad sword Spellbook of nature

Daramanian waraxe

Plate armor
Scarab (1) 300 - 4.500 - - Scarab bow 5
Cyclops (1) 250 - 5.000 Composite bow Giant shield - Knight axe
Monk & dark monk (1)* 200 - 3.200 Holy amulet

Holy ring

- Cursed spellbook


Ring of healing
Gargoyle (1) 400 - 10.000 - - - Gargoyle helmet
Hunter (1) 150 - 5.000 - Hunter's vest (+1 distance) - Ranger legs
Centaur (1) 300 - 9.000 Composite bow Centaur quiver

Ordinary dagger

Centaur AxeCentaur Axe Hunter Shield
Stone golem (1) 400 - 6.400 - - - Rock boots
Ghost (1) 800 - 9.600 - - - Ghost rope
Witch (1) 150 - 2.400 - Witch boots

Witch hat

Cursed spellbook Carlin sword
Dwarf geomancer (1) 2500 - 62.500 - - - Dwarven legs
Crypt shambler (1) 300 - 4.950 Knight dagger Royal sword - Guardian shield
Strong orc (1) 250 - 5.000 Amazon backpack - Orcish legs Orcish armor
Fire elemental (1) 500 10.000 15.000 Flaming Bow - Fire axe

Fire club

Fire sword
Demon skeleton (1) 250 - 8.000 - Skull armor Fire club Skull shield
Strong minotaur (0)* 250 - 5.000 - Minotaur Axe Minotaur Armor

Minotaur Legs

Minotaur Helmet
Elf arcanist (1)* 200 - 4.800 Elven robe - Elven legs Elvish bow
Dwarf guards (1) 250 - 4.125 Dwarven armor Universal tool - 5 small diamonds
Vampire (1) 250 - 7.250 Vampire ring Vampire shield Ice herb Ice halberd
Assassin (1) 300 - 7.500 - - Assassin dagger 25 assassin stars
Fire devil (2) 2500 - 50.000 - - - Firewalker boots
Green djinn & efreet (1) 250 - 11.250 Djinn robe - - Ice herb
Blue djinn & marid (1) 250 - 11.250 Djinn robe - - Ice herb
Bonebeast (2) 800 - 46.400 Skull armor - - -
Necromancer (1)* 500 - 29.000 Demonic book Lunar staff

Boots of haste

Staff of darkness

Rune belt

Skull staff
Priestess (1) 250 - 12.500 - Lunar staff

Boots of haste

Staff of darkness

Rune belt

Skull staff
Ogre (2) 300 - 30.000 Dragon eye pendant

Heavy mace

Demonbone amulet

Skull legs

Ogre club Warrior Helmet
Blood crawler (1) 350 - 28.000 - Centipede armor

Nomad Lance

centipede boots Nomad Robe
Dragon (1)* 400 - 28.000 Draconian helmet - Draconian blade

The Dragonkiller

Dragon Shield
Desert Marauders (2) 500 - 30000 Oriental quiver Mystic book

Magic boots

Scarab bow
Beholder (2) 1000 - 50.000 - - - Beholder amulet
Orc warlord (2) 1000 - 80.000 Amazon helmet

Amazon armor

Amazon shield

- Noble quiver Bear helmet
Shadow panther (1) 300 - 39.000 Panther backpack Shadow Cape

Shadow Walkers

Blue Robe Stealth ring
Hero (2)* 350 - 42.000 Holy ankh

Crown boots

Paladin crossbow Blue legs Fire sword
Giant spider (1)* 300 - 28.000 Spidersilk Legs Spidersilk Armor Knight dagger Knight Armor
Harpy (1) 400 - 72.000 Valkyrie Helmet Valkyrie Legs


Valkyrie Armor Staff of Darkness
Dark cultist & priestess (1) 450 - 60.750 Robe of despair

Demonic book

- - Cursed spellbook
Morgrim Orcs (2) 500 - 35.000 Armored bracers Frozen book - Skull armor
Ettin (2) 400 - 72.000 Demon bone - Giant Sword Giant shield
Ancient scarab (1) 250 - 36.250 Winged boots - Scarab Bow 10
Black knight (1) 100 - 24.000 Black knight legs

Darkest heart

Boots of haste Dragon Lance Warrior Helmet
Banshee (3) 2500 - 500.000 Banshee ring - - -
Misery (1) 350 - 63.000 Nightmare book - Boots of haste

Knight dagger

Knight Legs
Dragon lord (1)* 400 - 50.000 Dragon scale boots

Dragon scale bracers

Flaming Bow Draconian blade Tower Shield
Watcher (2) 300 - 54.000 Crown Sword Paladin Armor Watcher Lanter Crown Legs
Corrupted plague (1) 350 - 54.600 Plaguebringer mask Sime armor Infested crossbow Scarab Bow
Hydra (2)* 400 - 53.000 Cloverleaf shield Hydra slayer

Boots of haste

Royal helmet

Medusa shield Knight Armor
Behemoth (2)* 300 - 45.000 Behemoth helmet Steel Boots - Giant Sword
Black widow (3) 250 - 61.500 Magic circlet Arcana staff

Boots of haste

- Knight Armor
Ice dragon (2)* 300 - 75.600 Frozen greaves

Frozen dragon scale boots

Frozen plate

Frozen bow

Frozen dragon scale mail

Frozen blade

Draconian sword
Warlock (2)* 250 - 60.000 Wand of Might

Gold dagger

Spellbook of Mysteries Ring of the Sky

Golden Armor

Blue Robe

Skull Staff
Elder Tree (2) 300 - 100.000 Everlasting helmet

Everlasting armor

Everlasting legs

Leaf crossbow Life amulet

Spring blade

Green gem
Elder Beholder (2)* 200 - 32.400 Beholder Boots - Beholder Amulet

Beholder Helmet

Beholder Shield
Grim reaper (2) 300 - 60.000 Skull backpack - Reaper Axe

Skull Armor

Staff of Darkness
Treasure Guardian (2) 300 - 110.000 Pharaoh Sword - - 5 golden chain
Dwarf Kings Guard (2) 300 - 112.500 Durin's crown - - 5 sapphire
Medusa (2) 300 - 72.000 Ring of vitality

Everlasting legs

Cursed bow

Spring blade

Rock boots Medusa shield
Sharir (2) 250 - 60.000 Amulet of the sky

Cobra staff

Gold dagger

Spellbook of mysteries

Djinn robe

Golden Armor

Green robe

Skull Staff
Wicked blacksmith (2)* 300 - 81.000 Quiver of darkness Nightfall backpack

Burning arbalaste

Demonic axe

Paladin Armor

Hammer of wrath

Primitiv club
Blazing skull (2) 300 - 90.000 Backpack of inferno Spellbook of inferno

Infernal helmet

Flaming Bow

- Burning giant sword
Furious mistress (2) 300 - 70.000 Ring of vitality Burning shield

Nightmare staff

Burning arbalaste

Nightmare whip Demonbone amulet

Royal sword

Demon (3)* 250 - 90.000 Thunder hammer

Demon legs

Magic Plate Armor Mastermind Shield

Golden Legs

Demon Shield
Possessed book (2) 300 - 108.000 Amulet of the sky

Spellbook of the librarian

Demonic staff

Librarian backpack

Nightmare book

Spellbook of Mysteries Demon Shield
Phoenix priest (3) 400 - 192.000 Shadow helmet

Holy amulet

Holy ankh

Energy robe

- Demonbone amulet
Dark rider (2)* 200 - 50.000 Black knight legs

Darkest heart

Robe of despair

Ancient backpack Skull blade

Skull legs

Skull armor
Blood bat (2) 400 - 80.000 Quiver of darkness

Robe of despair

Nightmare staff

Nightmare whip

Skull blade Vampire shield
Hellfire demon (2) 300 - 81.000 Demon boots Burning shield

Burning arbalaste

Demonic axe

Flaming Bow Burning giant sword
Executioner (2)* 300 - 82.800 Nightfall backpack

Gold dagger

Infernal axe Skull blade

Steel Boots

Skull legs
Phoenix paladin (3) 500 - 210.000 Shadow greaves

Holy Bow

Holy ankh

Paladin armor

- Paladin crossbow
Phoenix knight (3) 500 - 195.000 Shadow plate

Crown sword

Holy ankh

Crown boots

- Skull blade
Soul worm (3) 400 - 158.400 Ancient sword Magic bow - Infested crossbow
Arachna (3) 400 - 178.800 Mask of nature Magic crossbow - Infested crossbow
Phoenix (3) 200 - 126.000 Holy Bow

Medaillon of the paladin order

Flaming Bow

Firewalker Boots

Phoenix shield

Royal Helmet Phoenix Egg
Demonic beholder (3) 300 - 153.000 Axe of the gazer

Magic plate legs

Magic bow - Nightmare whip
Ancient dragon (4) 250 - 180.000 Great shield

Dragon eye pendant

Ancient armor

Dragon scale boots

Ancient legs

Draconian helmet

Dragon Scale Mail

Draconian blade
Hellhound (4)* 200 - 168.000 Infernal greaves

Infernal chestplate

Burning shield

Burning arbalaste

Spellbook of inferno

Infernal helmet


Skull armor
Temple Guardian 300 - 225.000 Serpent boots - - 5 snake god idol
Giant eagle (4) 250 - 300.000 Eagle chestplate

Eagle helmet

Eagle legs

Eagle boots

Eagle shield Amulet of the sky

Winged boots

Ring of the Sky
Undead dragon (4)* 200 - 300.000 Divine greaves

Dragon eye pendant

Divine boots

Divine chestplate

Divine hood

Dragonbone staff

- Golden Armor
Basilisk (5) 200 - 138.000 Serpentine cloak

Serpentine chestplate

Serpentine dagger Dwarven armor

Magic training wand

Royal Helmet
Colossus (4)* 150 - 225.000 Great axe

Platin greaves

Medaillon of the paladin order

Demon bone

Infernal axe

Magic Plate Armor

- Heavy mace
Observer (4) 200 - 288.000 Hammer of judgement Magic plate legs

Magic bow

- Beholder Helmet

Boss tasks

Creature Task Kills Reputation Gold Exp Reward
Necropharus 1 5 25.000 50.000 -
Yeti 3 5 50.000 50.000 Bunnyslippers
Old Widow 1 5 50.000 50.000 -
Grorlam 1 5 25.000 50.000 -
Demodras 1 5 50.000 50.000 -
Zhandramon 1 5 50.000 50.000 -

Reputation rewards

Reputation Reward
10 Hunting Knife (can be purchased again for 20k)
25 Amulet of Loss (5k discount)
50 Expedition access and 30k (see quests)
100 Mythril knife (obtained through Nightfall questline)
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