Elderan:Custom spawns and extensions

From Elderan
Revision as of 14:35, 16 March 2023 by en>Yvesvl
Creature Location Custom Extension Requirements
Giant spider Darashia, north of single giant spider on mountain Y
Giant spider South Plains Of Havoc (Kaisha island) Y
Giant spider Deeper Edron near custom blood herb quest Y
Giant spider Amazon calla Y 50 reputation
Elder beholder Darashia pyramid Y
Hydra Amazon calla (north and west spawn) Y 50 reputation
Watcher Thais Catacombs Y Key
Bonebeast Amazon Calla Y 50 reputation
Bonebeast Bonebeast Island (North Edron) Y
Necromancer % priestess Darashia passage Y
Necromancer % priestess Drefia (west part) Y
Demons Secret location Y
Demons Venore (Black Knight house) Y Key
Demons Secret location in Edron Y
Sharir Secret location (custom tomb) Y Secret item
Sharir Djinn tower (west of Blue Djinn tower near blue legs quest) Y
Orc warlord Mini Orc Fortress (west of Orc Fort) Y
Dragon Lords Darashia passage (poi 2.0) Y Level 30
Dragon Lords Ankrahmun mountains (near custom quest) Y Level
Dragon lords Amazon Calla Y 50 reputation
Behemoth Amazon Calla Y 50 reputation
Ice Dragon Folda Y
Elder Tree AB'debdriel Y
Mystic Unicorn Secret location Y
Black Widow South Plains Of Havoc (Kaisha island) Y
Phoenix Hellgate Y
Ancient Dragon Hellgate (3x), Draconia (1x), Secret spawn (8x) Y
Grim Reaper Deeper Edron 1x, Drefia, Reaper island west of POH Y
Warlocks Custom Demona Y Secret item
Centaur Carlin Y
Centaur Edron Y
Shadow Panther Ankrahmun mountains Y
Shadow Panther Ankrahmun cave Y
Harpy Ab'dendriel, Stonehome, Darashia passage Y
Heroes Hero island (secret), Edron Y Level
Turtle Darashia passage Y
Ghoul Edron (before Bonebeast Island) Y
Dragons Edron dragons Y
Dragons Darashia passage Y
Dragons Dwacatra Y
Dragons Plains Of Havoc Y
Ancient scarabs Darashia mountain side Y
Fire devils Hellgate Y
Fire Elementals Hellgate Y
Blood crawler Venore (Black Knight house) Y Key
Blood crawler Darashia passage Y
Dwarf (normal + strong) Cormaya Y
Hunter Additional hunters in Outlaw camp Y
Sand scorpion Darashia passage Y
Cyclops Sky island Y Bag of beans
Ettin Sky island Y Bag of beans
Blue & Green djinn Djinn surface (west of Blue Djinn tower near blue legs quest) Y
Minotaurs (weak & strong) Deeper fibula Y Key
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