Dasxar library

From Elderan

Dasxar tower

Ancient dragons part I

Ancient Dragons Part I Ancient Dragons are dragons that are extremely rare. They are a couple of thousand years old. There are only two reports of a sighted ancient dragon. One close to Ab'dendriel and the other one in the Plains of Havoc. Not much more is known about them, but it seems they are immortal.

Ancient dragons part II

Ancient Dragons II.

It is told that the Ancient Dragons were one of the first dragons created. The power of a ordinary dragon is nothing against a real ancient dragon. Even a demon could not stand a chance against them.



Notes about Demona.

Demona was originally built by the ancient warlocks. The warlocks of our time are descendants of the old warlocks. Over the time they have lost a lot of power and knowledge. There are rare records, that tell about an attack by unknown magical creatures in Demona. That's how the most powerful knowledge and artefacts got lost. I wonder if this artefacts are still existing somewhere.



Somehow it must be possible to summon stronger monsters than simple demons. This fools in Edron can't even summon a simple demon. It's a shame that I studied together with Zoltan. They will never get more powerful.

Demon Summoning for dummies.

Take the tail of a fire devil, pour it in cooking tar. Stir it around for 5 minutes and cast the words 'utevo res "demon".

If your magic level is high enough and you did everything correct you should now have a demon.


About Zoltan

It was just a matter of time, when this fool Zoltan kicks me out of the Academy. What a waste... they could get so powerful, if they would just study the dark arts of magic. I wonder who will teach the Armageddon spell from now on.

This naive fools, kicking me out of the Edron Magic Academy because I was doing researches in the dark arts of magic. I was the most powerful mage in their

About Ankrahmun

I made more studies on the tragedy of Ankrahmun. It's the Pharaohs own fault to believe, what he was promised. He has no other choice to "live" like this until the end of time.

Building my new tower

On the way here I saw a lot orcs and they haven't atked me. It seems they are smarter than they look like. In the orc lands I should be able to study in peace. To the north I will built my new tower. It was built in a single night! My demon servants and stone golems helped me.

Forbidden project

Notes about the forbidden project. We are not ready... we don't know what's missing and we can't figure it out! All of the right items were placed on the correct spot but nothing happened. How is this possible?

Diary 33

Diary page 33

<this book looks heavily destroyed, it must be really old>

Today was our 5th school day. I still can't believe that I was worthy enough and got accepted as a student at the famous Serpentine Tower. Tothdral taught us how to cast a 'cat-eye spell'. A mage has many benefits, now I never need to carry bags of torches around with me.

<the rest is unreadable>

Diary 123

Diary Page 123

I can feel I am getting stronger and stronger. What a great feeling! Veru, Zoltan and ... are trying to compete with me. Everyone of us wants to be the most powerful mage. I need to gain more power! Veru was able to summon a real fire elemental yesterday. Tothdral and the other teachers locked it up in one of the chambers.


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